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Wind Early Warning Danger

Day, Dina (32) requested permission to go home more quickly from the office. Since the morning, Dina felt dizzy and nauseous. "I entered I wind", he said in Fahmi (35), her husband by phone on a house, Dina order of chicken porridge and hot tea to reduce the uncomfortable feeling. She spread eucalyptus oil to the entire body, before sleeping out. Come nightfall, are also not yet built, Fahmi recently home office. Access to rooms, rates are still sleeping, but .... is not breathing anymore! Or has died

She seems, are holding pain shortly before died. In addition to panic, her husband also confused, knowing far, for this condition are good only. Even his wife is quite skillful women have a lot of activity each day, Consequently, the disease of "hidden" if their lives that Dina? 

According to dr. Djoko Maryono, DSPD, DSPJ, internist and cardiology experts from the Pertamina Hospital Center, which is experienced by Dina Angina Pectoris. The people we call as the first regular sitting of the wind. 
Symptoms are similar to common colds, only a little more weight. Not surprising. The disease tends to does not matter

Colds this one was not common colds. "That's called a light wind is one of the symptoms of coronary heart disease, which if not immediately be handled has a direct died only in 15-30 minutes after the first attack" dr. Joko reminded. 

Therefore, the death occurred as result of not “kerokan The oil or wind”, such as the Dina, but not because the detection of deviation in the heart of people. Even, if after office Dina go directly to the hospital or the doctor, and not even “kerokan home”, it was not related to the disease, may still die was safe. 

The characteristics of headache, nausea, and recognized that experienced people Angina Pectoris is nearly similar to normal flu disease. Only people also feel crowded chest, pain in the hearts, perspiration out of corn, and the body is cold. Unfortunately, this often does not realize as indications of interference in the heart that are critical. 
According to dr. Joko, 20% of complaints Angina Pectoris the check to the doctor or hospital was detected as acute coronary heart disease. It is an interruption in the heart due to the difference in the coronary vessel, so that blood is not able to deliver oxygen-oxygen needed by the network of walls of the heart cavity. Therefore, if not detected since the beginning, has a Sudden death can be experienced. 

Angina Pectoris disease itself is not a comfortable feeling linger, which occurred more than 5 minutes, due to the decrease in blood pressure that the heart pumping. As a result, the heart requires more oxygen. Because the heart is not capable of pumping perfectly, the blood vessels take the form of reaction recovery contraction to charging sufficient oxygen in the heart pump was contraction that cause cold sweat on the skin. 

Propolis is a substance that extracts from the resin collected by bees workers specific tasks that seek resin from the leaves that grow new skin and the stem of certain trees. By the worker bees nest in the resin is mixed with a little bees wax, Honey and enzym before eventually becoming Propolis. Propolis useless to ask the hive leak and strengthen the nest. Apart from the functions that Propolis is not less important for the bee is to encase carcasses of animals that enter to the nest not so bees spread the disease. So Propolis is used by bees to sterilize nest, stop the growth and spread of bacteria, viruses and fungi. 

Learning from the effectiveness of Propolis for the bee is the modern man and then use Propolis participate in treatment, especially to stop the growth and spread of bacteria, viruses and fungi. Propolis contains hundreds of chemicals, and scientists have successfully identified a new name and about 30-an of these materials. Propolis composition of the new harvested from the hive, usually consisting of more than 50% resin, 30% bees wax, essential oils 10%, 5% and 5% pollen remnants of the plant. Because the compositions that not all parts of Propolis can be eaten as drugs or food supplements.